Herb Spiced Veggies Roasted in the Convection Oven

roastedvegA cornucopia of fresh veggies to choose from for roasting later in the new convection oven: Japanese eggplant, peppers: red, orange, yellow and green; yellow squash, zucchini, a fat onion, apples and… wait for it… brussells sprouts!

 I cut everything about the same size and place in a plastic bag with 3 tbsp olive oil, with 1 tsp each dried basil, mustard seed, fennel seed and tarragon with fresh springs of thyme and rosemary (chopped fine), and a lemon cut into 6-8 wedges.  Cooking time depends on size of vegetables.  Leave thinner, lighter veggies (onions, peppers) in larger chunks so they don’t burn when the denser, heavier veggies (brussells sprouts, eggplant) need more time. Into the convection oven at 425f for 30-45 minutes. With rice in the rice cooker and hummus already made, dinner was a breeze.  And a feast!

A killer roasted veggies and vegetarian wine mushroom gravy recipe here

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