Stocks and Broths

What’s the difference between stock and broth?  Stock is an ingredient and broth is a finished product.  You make a flavorful stock to use as a base for soups and other recipes.  Many times, I simply use a box of Swanson broth.  See recipe: 

Basic Vegetable Stock (8 cups)
5 carrots, chopped
2 stalks celery, chopped
2 onions, chopped
1 head garlic, chopped
potato peelings (wash first)
1 turnip, sliced
Any wilted veggies in the fridge that aren’t too strong, chopped
1 bay leaf
1 handful parsley
1 teaspoon salt and peppercorns
12 cups water

Bring all ingredients to a boil, lower heat, and boil gently for 45 minutes to one hour, til all the goodness is sucked out of the vegetables. Strain. Adjust seasoning.

NOTE: If you want darker broth, brown the vegetables in oil for 10-15 minutes over medium heat, then add water and herbs and bring to a boil, scraping up any dark bits from the bottom of the pan. Boil gently for 45 minutes and strain.

NOTE: If you want fragrance and complexity, add any combination of tomatoes, fennel, mushrooms, or other aromatic vegetable to the browning process, then boil and strain as above.