How to store fresh ginger root

Fresh Ginger Root

Fresh ginger root has a strong flavor that adds zest to many recipes. Ginger has anti-inflammatory and gastrointestinal health benefits. When you purchase fresh ginger, examine it closely. Fresh ginger has a smooth surface, but will feel firm when you squeeze it slightly. Ginger root has a white flesh and a light brown skin. Fresh ginger needs to be stored properly to prolong its shelf life and to prevent mold from forming.  

Instructions to store in the Refrigerator

1.  Wrap unpeeled ginger in paper towels.

2.  Place the ginger in plastic storage bags and seal the bags.

3.  Store the ginger in the vegetable crisper in the refrigerator. The ginger will last for up to three weeks.
Instructions to store in the Freezer

4.  Slice unpeeled ginger into small knobs.

5.  Wrap the ginger in paper towels and place it into a freezer storage bag.
6.  Seal the bag and store the ginger in the freezer for up to six months.
7.  Place peeled ginger into an airtight glass jar.
8.  Pour sherry wine into the jar until you submerge the ginger.
9.  Close the jar tightly and place it in the refrigerator. The ginger will last for up to three months.

Tips & Warnings

Store dried finger in an airtight glass jar. Place the glass jar in a dark and cool location.

Storing ginger in sherry will cause it to lose some of its flavor.

Avoid purchasing ginger that feels wrinkled, appears moldy, or is wet.

Blot any excess moisture from the ginger before storing it. Rinsing the ginger before placing it in the refrigerator or leaving behind excess moisture will promote mold growth.

From How to Store Fresh Ginger at eHow


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