Everyday Remedies from Hanna Kroeger A-Z

This is a compilation of Hanna Kroeger‘s time tested advice for health and healing. You will find remedies, recipes, herbs, and vitamins which cover a wide range of health concerns and nutritional needs.  These remedies are from a time not so far away, but a world that was much simpler than the one we live in today. During the time of Hanna’s creation of these remedies, food allergies and sensitivities were not prominent health concerns because the average diet was not overloaded with highly processed foods, sugars, or animal products. Several remedies suggest you add sugar or honey to an herbal formula to help get it down while others may instruct you to add whey (a dairy ingredient) or even glutinous grains to a remedy. If you are limiting your sugar intake or have a food allergy/sensitivity, it may be best to avoid those remedies.

Because of pesticides, food additives, GMOs, and food irradiation, our food is no longer as rich in vitamins and minerals as it once was. When following the remedies in this compilation, please choose organic foods and ingredients that are as clean, raw, and natural as possible; no artificial sweeteners or ingredients should be used in these remedies.

Much of the information listed here is general and not as exact as dosages used today. Keep in mind that most recommendations are natural sources and common sense will guide you to using the correct amount. If a remedy calls for carrots, it is assumed the reader will know to add carrots to their diet without being told exactly how many to eat in a day. Hanna would have said, “Do it and don’t worry about the details; the benefits will become obvious.”

Any mention of H-12 is to a specific Master Formula created by Hanna that is available in a liquid or dried herbal blend you can mix yourself. We also carry many of the herbs suggested and are happy to help you find what you are looking for.

Good luck and have fun discovering how easy helping yourself can be!


Home Remedies

Abdomen, Distended without Nausea Nutmeg

Abdominal Tenderness Linden flower tea or H-12 placed on navel.

Acid Dyspepsia Eat a piece of raw potato before every meal.

Acid Indigestion Yarrow tea, ½ cup 2 times daily.

Adrenal Gland Food Take one of the following: 1 tablespoon alfalfa seeds, 2 tablets PABA, or licorice root tea. Increase protein intake.

Aging Thyme, Lavender, and H-12 keep old age away.

Premature aging is a mineral deficiency. Whey is such a good helper in your kitchen; it has a lot of minerals, will keep your muscles young, your joints moveable and ligaments elastic.

When age wants to bend your back take whey (Note: whey is a dairy product).

Allergen Watercress is extremely valuable since it is full of vitamins E, B, and C. It is an anti-allergen and should be more widely used. Watercress is often used to decorate salads, sandwiches, and sauces. When eaten by itself, give only small portions since it is potent.

Allergic to Wool Magnesium

Allergy Orange rind or peelings are such good allergy relievers. The stuffed up nose and clogged up air passages open up and healthful sleep can be expected.

Sage is also useful for allergies and tastes best on a piece of buttered whole grain bread. Salvia officinalis-Latin for sage means healing or being healthy.

Bananas hinder allergies and are for energy and nerves.

Take vitamins A, B12, E, and G, pantothenic acid, and L-histidine.

Anemia Eggplant reduces an enlarged spleen and increases red blood corpuscles and hemoglobin. Eggplant is very good for anemia.

2 teaspoons blackstrap molasses in 1 glass grape juice or 1 glass grape juice and 1 egg yolk or ½ glass red wine, ½ glass water and 2 egg yolk are good for anemia.

Build blood by eating spinach, raw is best.

Try this remedy with raisins and grapefruit: 2 ounces dark raisins 3 times a day for 1 day. Half a grapefruit 2 times daily the second day. Alternate raisins and grapefruit for 3 weeks to make yourself strong and resistant to disease.

Antibiotic Seeds of an avocado contain antibiotics. Pound the seed and make a tea.

Antiseptic Lemon is nature’s most powerful antiseptic. Use it externally on sores, corns, and dandruff. Gargle with it. Drink plenty of lemon juice when fever hits.

Antispasmodic Caraway is a very well-known spice and is antispasmodic, improves appetite, subsides gastric distention, takes out phlegm, and is useful for stomach disorders. It mainly works on the stomach.

Appetite, Loss of Vitamins B6 and B12.

Appetite, Loss of (in children) Cranberry juice or sauce.

Arteries 1 dish of yogurt and applesauce daily to keep arteries clean.

Arthritis Eat celery and parsley every day, or juice them; Swiss chard, black cherries, alfalfa seeds, and peanut oil are also good.

Mix 2 tablespoons whey with 1 tablespoon lecithin, mix in 8 tablespoons of vegetable broth; do this 3 times daily for several months (Note: whey is a dairy product).

Make a strong tea of pounded avocado seed and apply to skin.

Two teaspoons vinegar, 2 teaspoons honey, and 8 ounces water together are a good cleansing remedy for arthritis; take it 3 times daily with meals.

Grate 1 each of lemon, orange, and grapefruit then mix with 2 teaspoons of cream of tartar and 2 tablespoons Epsom salts then add to 1 quart water; drink 2 ounces 3 times per day.

Asthma Add 1 quart of sunflower seeds in a ½ gallon water then boil down to 1 quart of water, strain, and add 1 pint honey; boil this down to a syrup and take 1 teaspoon 3 times daily.

Take 2 tablespoons lemon juice before each meal.

One teaspoon powdered thyme mixed with honey every hour or 1 teaspoon raw red onion juice mixed with sugar every hour.

For asthma without anxiety, take ginger.

Wild plum bark and wild cherry bark are also useful remedies for asthma.

Boil your own cranberry juice concentrate for asthma: 1 pound cranberries, 1 pint water. Boil until cranberries are soft then keep in the refrigerator; take 1 teaspoon every 2 hours.

Astigmatism (myopic) Lilium tig (Tiger lily) homeopathic.

Athlete’s Food Take vitamin A and bathe feet in rosehips tea or lemon juice.

Try simmering 2 tablespoons of spinach seed and onion seed in 1 quart water for a half hour then soak your feet in it.

Herbs and Healing Foods

Almonds are a good brain tonic. Almond oil, only 1 teaspoon daily, will improve your memory.

Alfalfa Seeds are loaded with vitamin C and are a good source of vitamin K.

Alfalfa contains many trace minerals and, when used as a tea, releases pain in the head and limbs.

Alfalfa stimulates the appetite and improves digestion.

It is a very good mineral supplier and helps make the bowels move.

Allspice is a balm to the liver. It is known to relieve colic and gas.

Boil the crushed fruit and apply on a cloth to aid rheumatism and neuralgia.

Anise is a delicate, feathery spice that has been used medicinally for centuries. In 1500 B.C., Egyptians grew great quantities of anise for use in food, drink, and medicine. Early colonists carried anise seeds to North America where it was grown as a medicinal spice.

What a blessing anise is. Make a tea for indigestion or flatulent conditions and to soothe the stomach after vomiting. Anise tea is excellent for hiccups and relieving a bloated stomach which can result in headaches.

In olden times, this remedy with anise was used to heal kidney stones: Simmer 1 tablespoon of anise in 1 quart of grape juice for a half hour; 7 ounces 3 times a day.

Anise oil was also used to relieve jaundice.

Anise is a comforting antiseptic tea for colds and coughs and can help with bronchial problems.

It is useful for gas and as a diuretic when used with caraway and fennel.

Anise has been used to enhance the milk production in nursing mothers.

It can be added to laxative formulas to prevent cramping of the bowels. It is useful for breaking up mucus and for dry, hard coughs.

Apples are the queen of all fruits and a universal food which means it can be eaten with anything without causing indigestion.

Apples are a tonic for the body and are a stimulant to the liver and digestive system. They have both a laxative effect and a diuretic effect on the body and seem to be beneficial to colds and fever.

A mixture of apple juice and olive oil has been used as an antiseptic for cuts and abrasions.

The whole apple is a balm to the gallbladder.

Dried apple peelings made into a tea are full of silicon and will strengthen muscles, improve other kinds of weaknesses, and are good for fever.

Finely grate raw apples to stop a child’s diarrhea. Apple juice is excellent and can soften kidney stones and gallstones.

Apple Cider Vinegar can keep mosquitos from biting you when taken daily.

For parasites take 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar every day in 6 to 7 ounces of water; if you travel overseas do this twice daily.

Apricots with their kernels, plus calcium carbonate are the best foods for natural laetrile. You can also use peach seeds, almonds, or millet.

Apricots detoxify the liver and pancreas.

Arrowroot is food for the weak and debilitated. It is easily digestible and creates no gastric upset.

Artichokes tone the liver and bring clear urine while increasing the flow of bile. Artichokes are thought to help keep arteries clean and smooth and improve weak digestion.

Asparagus is a wonderful diuretic and is known to dissolve kidney stones. It is a cooling and soothing addition to any diet and contains substances that assist the body in normal cell formation. Asparagus contains a great deal of iodine.

Avocados are a fat and protein supplier; very good for diabetics.


Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin which is synthesized in the human and animal body from carotene.

Carotene is called a pro-vitamin and is changed to vitamin A in the healthy walls of the intestinal tract. Vitamin A as such is found in meat products and oils such as: cod liver oil, halibut liver oil, in cream, butter, and egg yolk.

Vitamin A is needed for healthy skin, hair, nails, eyes, lungs, mouth, and all membranes of the digestive tract as well as uro-genital organs.

Vitamin A is needed for the healthy lubrication of all membranes. If membranes are dry, bacteria, virus, and molds have a better chance to attack them.

Want additional home remedies and tips? Take a look at these posts from our blog, HannaKroeger.com


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